Journal of Legal Education
Volume 61, Number 2 (November 2011)
From the Editors
From the Editors
Bryant G. Garth, Gowri Ramachandran, and Molly Selvin
Teaching and Learning Islamic Law in a Globalized World: Some Reflections and Perspectives
Shaheen Sardar Ali
The New Legal Writing Pedagogy: Is Our Pride and Joy a Hobble?
John A. Lynch Jr.
Teaching Rule Synthesis with Real Cases
Paul Figley
Why Don't They Get It?: Academic Intelligence and the Under-Prepared Student as "Other"
Deborah Zalesne and David Nadvorney
Using a Faculty Inquiry Process to Examine Student Responsibility for Learning
Tonya Krause-Phelan, Joni Larson, Nelson P. Miller, and Kim O'Leary
Harry Kalven, Jr.
Vincent Blasi
Teaching Comparative Perspectives in the Domestic Constitutional Law Class: A Step-by-Step Primer
Mark S. Kende