
Journal of Legal Education


Authors must submit manuscripts electronically (Word documents preferred). Authors may not submit manuscripts already submitted for consideration by another publication. Citation style should conform to the most recent edition of A Uniform System of Citation, published by the Harvard Law Review Association. Manuscripts over 50 pages will be reviewed with particular care to determine whether such length is warranted.

In addition to scholarly monographs, the Journal welcomes short submissions (under 10 pages) for the following occasional features: "At the Lectern," describing new or unusual classroom techniques instructors have found particularly effective; "Legends of the Legal Academy," profiling law teachers whose lessons, teaching style and scholarship have left or are leaving an enduring imprint on their students, their institutions and the profession; and "Dialogue," offering scholars the opportunity to respond to research published in a recent issue of the Journal of Legal Education, expanding on that research, for instance, by asking new questions or applying findings in new contexts.

Submissions containing images must also be accompanied by separate, stand-alone files; the image file names should be labeled to match the figure/image numbers displayed in the manuscript (e.g., image1.jpg). Images may be .jpeg, .jpg, .tif or .eps. Grayscale mode is preferred, but all images must be at least 300 dpi resolution. Final image inclusion is at the discretion of the editors. Manuscripts will be screened preliminarily by the Journal's editorial staff. Depending on the outcome of that process, submissions may then be sent to an appropriate scholar for double-blind review. Because our publication queue is long, manuscripts accepted for publication may not appear in print for up to a year following acceptance.

The Journal of Legal Education requires that manuscript submissions be made via Scholastica. The Journal page on Scholastica may be found at: https://journaloflegaleducation.scholasticahq.com/for-authors. Please also note that the Journal of Legal Education requires exclusive submission. Authors may not submit their manuscript for consideration to another publication while it is under review by the Journal of Legal Education. The Editorial Board endeavors to make publication decisions in a timely fashion. Inquiries to the JLE on other topics may be addressed to [email protected], but please note that this email address may not be monitored on a daily basis and there may be some delay in responding to queries.

The views expressed in the Journal are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the Association, the institutions with which the authors are affiliated, or the editors.
Journal of Legal Education © 2024 Association of American Law Schools