Journal of Legal Education
Volume 59, Number 4 (May 2010)
From the Editors
From the Editors
Bryant G. Garth, Gowri Ramachandran, and Molly Selvin
An Autobiography of a Digital Idea: From Waging War against Laptops to Engaging Students with Laptops
Diana R. Donahoe
Digital Statutory Supplements for Legal Education: A Cheaper, Better Way
C. Steven Bradford and Mark Hautzinger
Content, Structure, and Growth of Mexican Legal Education
Luis Fernando Perez Hurtado
Rethinking Legal Education in Hard Times: The Recession, Practical Legal Education, and the New Job Market
Daniel Thies
Response: More Complicated Than We Think
Judith Welch Wegner
Response: Time to Collaborate on Lawyer Development
Scott Westfahl
Why Am I Here? Six-Word Stories about the First Month of Law School
Mary Dunnewold and Hamline University Law Students
Book Reviews